Thursday 15 June 2017

An open letter to my husband on Father's Day

"A father is neither an anchor to hold us back, nor a sail to take us there but a guiding light who shows us the way."

Photo credit: Tracey Baard Photography

To my Darling,

Today we celebrate you. I have loved you for so many years but with each passing day that I see you with our children, my love for you deepens.

You are the rock of this family. You are our guiding light. I could not have asked for a better example of what a loving, devoted father looks like for our children. You wear the noble title of "father" with pride. So today I want to say "Thank You".

Thank you for putting us first, always (especially when the fish are biting).
Thank you for being such a hands on, capable, 21st century daddy.
Thank you for allowing me the space to take some time out for myself to recharge my batteries.
Thank you for putting up with my moods.
Thank you for putting up with my obsessive cleaning and organising.
Thank you for doing the groceries every single week.
Thank you for working tirelessly to make ends meet so that I can stay at home with our children.
Thank you for always "making a plan".
Thank you for your endless patience.
Thank you for loving me when I'm at my lowest.
Thank you for always seeing the glass half full when I see it as half empty.
Thank you for not giving up on me.
Thank you for your words of encouragement.
Thank you for always listening and being willing to work out our differences.
Thank you for always protecting us.
Thank you for playing musical beds every night so that we can all get some sleep.
Thank you for your unconditional love.
Thank you for holding my hand through this journey of parenthood. I wouldn't want to share it with anyone else.

I love you.

Photo credit: Tracey Baard Photography

Until next time,

Happy 2019!

It's been a while since I wrote a blog post. About 16 months. You might be wondering why. Honestly? happened. But this ...