Sunday 19 April 2015

The week that was

WOW! Another week is gone...I cannot believe that we are almost into May.

This year is speeding by, which made me look at how far i have come since starting this journey in January. I know my weight hasn't changed much in the last few weeks (keeping in mind I'm on a scale detox, so I'm not really sure what my weight is doing) but I am a lot fitter than I was 4 months ago and I am trying hard every day to make the healthier food choice. I have dropped a pants size since I have started and I'm giving myself a few more weeks before I hit the shops for a bit of winter retail therapy, as most of my winter clothes are too big for me already.

This past week has been a rather challenging one. My mom landed up in hospital in the early hours of Tuesday morning with atrial fibrillation. This was the third time she has had such an episode and each time is just as scary, if not more, than the first. I lost my dad 14 years ago this month and I cannot imagine losing my mom too! Thankfully, the capable doctors at Vergelegen Mediclinic did a cardio version and mom was admitted for a few days for more observation and an angiogram, which thankfully showed no irregularities. With all the "excitement" and driving up and down of the past week, I missed a session with Suzy and relied heavily on the convenience of Woolies for dinnertime meals. By Friday I felt rundown, exhausted and my cold was still lurking, so when my alarm went off at 4:30am, the mind was willing but the body was weak...and I decided to have a sleep-in instead of going walking.

The hubby had a fishing competition to attend on Saturday, so I had decided that not to do parkrun this week. After missing my walk on Friday morning, I felt quite guilty and almost like something special was missing out of my day. So when a close friend sent me a message on Friday evening asking whether she could join me for her first parkrun on Saturday, I thought "Why not?". It would be a bit of a challenge, as I would have to take little Miss E along in her pram, which is not really suited for trail running, but I was up for the challenge.Master J was thrilled when I told him we were in fact going to do parkrun.

Saturday arrived and we were up bright and early and off to Root 44 we went to help celebrate their 100th event - what a perfect day for it, albeit a bit chilly to start with. We had a lovely walk through the vinyards and enjoyed the beautiful scenery. Even though we went at a snails pace, we finished the race and my arms got an extra workout from trying to keep the pram on course. But more importantly, I showed my children that we can have fun together while being healthy. And I now know that my pram can survive a trail run, so no more excuses of having to watch the kids when dad can't. 

After our walk I treated the kids to a pancake and indulged in a delicious coffee at the market. It felt so good being outside in the fresh air and sunshine and having catch up session with a special friend. What a great way to destress after a rather hectic week!

Here's to a happier, less stressful week of healthy food choices and lots of exercise!

Until next time, 

Happy 2019!

It's been a while since I wrote a blog post. About 16 months. You might be wondering why. Honestly? happened. But this ...