Monday 2 March 2015

Weigh day and Fit-Feb stats

In the Tights and Tekkies household, Monday means weigh day.

So with a heavy heart (and body) i climbed onto my scale this morning and this is what i saw:

Not very good, but perhaps after last week's bad choices, it could have been much worse. I will not be disheartened but this hiccup. So I put on my tights and my tekkies and braved the gale force south-easter to do my walk. This morning i walked a personal best average pace of 10:21min / km, despite the wind and finished 4.54km in 47min! Yay me! That makes getting up at 4:30am worth it!

What i love about Runkeeper is that it allows you to compare your walks from one week or month to the next. And if you are willing to pay their subscription fee, you can compare one work out to the next and get even more insights on how your training is progressing.

My stats for Fit-feb are as follows:
Km walked: 71.1
Ave pace per minute: 12:05
Activities: 19
Calories burned: 7967.1 (this number brings out my could have been 8000!)
Elevation climb: 1307.6m
Time spent: 14:20:07

Not too shabby!?!?

In my previous post i was moaning about how i have been losing muscle mass and my body fat % increasing. Today my new trainer, Suzy, told me why. Apparently I have been doing too much of the same type of cardio and not enough (actually none at all) strength training. She suggested that instead of walking 3 times  a week that I rather walk twice a week and swim once a week. This way my body will constantly be challenged. I am also starting strength / weight training with Suzy twice a week. I also need to increase the amount of protein I'm eating in order to build muscle mass and burn fat.

We discussed my goals and where I would want to be in 6 months from now. My short term goal is to weigh 110kg by spring and to go from a size 26 pant to a 22 and a 24 top to a 20. Then came the measurements part. Sit down for this...

Bust : 127cm
Waist:124cm (!!!)
Hips: 144 cm (!!!)
Thighs: left 73cm; right 75cm
Arms: left 37cm; right 36cm

Right! Now I'm ready for part 2 of this journey/challenge and I'll be kicking it up a notch! I better start saving for those Levi's!

Until next time,

Happy 2019!

It's been a while since I wrote a blog post. About 16 months. You might be wondering why. Honestly? happened. But this ...