Sunday 8 March 2015

Training wheels

For the past month i have been walking 3 times a week with some wonderful ladies. Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning we all get up while the rest of our families are still sleeping soundly, put on our tights and tekkies and make our way down to the beach. There is something about knowing that there is someone waiting for you to walk with them that makes getting up at 4:30am a tad (and i mean only a tad) easier. We walk no matter the weather. The camaraderie is awesome and i really appreciate these ladies efforts to encourage and support me.

However, over the past month, my muscle mass has decreased and my body fat % has increased. After doing a bit of research and talking to a few people in the know, i decided that it was time to take this fitness regime to the next level. One of my walking buddies does group training with a personal trainer, Suzy, and they were kind enough to invite me to join their group. Group training is great as you get the individual attention of the trainer but you also have the other ladies there "suffering" with you.

So i started my strength training with Suzy on Tuesday this week. It's safe to say that on Wednesday i could feel muscles in places i didn't know i had any. 

What does a training session consist of, you ask? During my first session we did 3 sets of various body weight exercises. These included push ups, various types of sit ups, planking, steps, squats, lunges etc.  After the first set i thought to myself that this wasn't so bad....but halfway through the second set i started to struggle and only just made it through the last set. Every time i felt like throwing in the towel because my muscles were burning, i had to remind myself that i cannot give up. I had to push through because that burn meant it was working. I also thought about the example i was setting for my children. I want them to see that through hard work and perseverance, great things can be accomplished.

 I really enjoyed my first week of strength training! I actually loved that stiff and sore feeling in my muscles the day after because it told me that i worked hard and reminded me to eat clean so as not to undo my hard work. I look forward to another week of early morning training and walking sessions.

I was unable to do Parkrun this weekend and i really missed it! I will also not be able to do it this coming weekend as it is my son's sports day at school and i'll be cheering him on and taking part in the mother and son race. Last year i was so embarrassed when i ran / hobbled along infront of all the other parents. Hopefully this year will be better and i trust that by next year i will be at my goal weight and sprinting along.

In the week ahead i will be keeping a food diary, which i will force myself to publish as a way of keeping myself accountable. So you will see the good, the bad (hopefully not much of that) and the ugly.

Until next time,

(Ps. I do NOT look like that while planking...yet!)

Happy 2019!

It's been a while since I wrote a blog post. About 16 months. You might be wondering why. Honestly? happened. But this ...