Sunday 15 March 2015

Food Diary & Sports Day Shinanigans

My son is a very picky eater while my daughter will eat practically anything, including the dog's pellets! Up until now, I have been ordering special home made baby food for little miss E. However, we decided that because she was so "easy" when it comes to eating that we should try letting her eat whatever we are having for dinner. This made me even more aware of what WE eat.

So this past week I hauled out good old Annabel Karmel's cookbook. My reasoning is that if it is suitable and nutritious for a baby/toddler to eat her food, then surely it can't be too bad for adults? AK includes plenty of fresh vegetables, herbs and spices in her recipes. We will see whether the scale agrees with my reasoning!

(This is the AK cookbook that I use.)

I tried to eat my main meal at lunch time and then just have a snack at dinner time. Admittedly, I struggled with this! I managed to eat the leftovers from the previous night at lunch time, but once I smelled dinner, all resistance crumbled and I had a plate of cooked food at night too. So the lesson I have learned this week is that I need to work on my self discipline (no surprises there!)

My food diary for the past week looks like this:

Breakfast - smoothie made with yogurt mango, pineapple and banana (I celebrated a very good friend's 40th birthday at Vergelegen Wine Estate and this was the most legal option on the menu).
Lunch - Ham and cheese sarmie
Snack- Vienna
Dinner- Yogurt with mixed seeds and strawberries

Breakfast: 1 toast with 2 boiled eggs
Lunch - 2 bobotie bites
Snack - Vienna and banana
Dinner - Chicken with summer veg and rice

Breakfast - toast with 2 boiled eggs
Lunch - Chicken with summer veg and rice 
Dinner - Savoury mince and rice
Today I didn't have snacks so by dinner time I was ravenous!

Breakfast - 1 toast with honey 
Lunch - Savoury mince and rice
Snack - Yogurt with mixed seeds and 10 grapes
Dinner - Stewed lamb, broccoli, butternut (We had our weekly family dinner at my inlaws with my MIL's scrummy least I didn't have rice or potatoes!)

Breakfast - toast with honey
Lunch - Hotdog
Dinner - Kfc burger and ice cream
(My weekend weakness!!!😢)

No breakfast (was in a rush to get to master J's sports day)
Snack - Half a boerewors roll (the half master J didn't want)
Lunch - McDonalds Mcfeast meal with chips
Dinner - nothing as I was still full from lunch 


Breakfast - muesli, fruit and yogurt (courtesy of Woolies Cafe)
Lunch - homemade hamburger with bacon, cheese and mushroom sauce 😳
Dinner - Tuna tagliatelle (which I actually made for the kiddos for dinner tonight and for myself and hubby for lunch tomorrow)

Even though my eating habits have changed significantly since starting this journey, there is still a lot of room for improvement. I am still adamant that I do not want to follow a diet, but rather change my lifestyle and in this way "shed my load". In the week ahead, I will try to eat my main meal at lunchtime and just a light snack for dinner. I will also try to have my light dinner a bit earlier than usual. We usually only eat dinner after we have put the kids to bed. Neither of them have afternoon naps any more so I give them their dinner by 5pm and then hubby and I have dinner around 7pm.

On Saturday it was master J's sports day at school. As I mentioned in my previous post, I was to run in the mom and son race with him. Last year I was terribly embarrassed as I hobbled along, so I was determined to put on a better "show" this year. Boy, oh boy did I put on a show! About half way into the race I could feel how my body was waaaay ahead of my feet and both the little man and I crashed over the finish line, ploughing into the dry grass, dress flying over my head (thank goodness for tights to save my dignity). I got up almost as soon as I hit the ground, wishing it would rather swallow me up. I wanted to die of embarrassment! The only thing worse than being the "fat mom" is being the "fat mom who falls infront of everyone"!!! Not only did I feel embarrassed for myself but also for my poor boy who so desparately wanted to win the race. I tried my best to laugh it off but couldn't hold back the tears when my darling said to me in the car on the way home, "Mommy, we were going so fast that we crashed!". The heart of a child is so pure and innocent. Bless him!

With the exception of the grazed arm, stiff knee and bruised ego I came out of the situation unscathed and with more determination than ever to become leaner, fitter and stronger.

(Image: Pinterest)

Until next time,

Happy 2019!

It's been a while since I wrote a blog post. About 16 months. You might be wondering why. Honestly? happened. But this ...