Monday 24 July 2017

No More Morning Madness

Hello Everyone

Most of the schools around the country started Term 3 this morning. I have to admit that I am quite pleased that our first week back is out of the way and that we seemed to have gotten back into the swing of things quite easily...although Mondays are never easy. This week most of my kids' extra murals and sports matches start up again which means this Mama needs to have her ducks in a row to ensure that our lives are not one big rush. I have found that how our mornings go generally sets the tone for the rest of the day. So today I am going to share a few of my tips to keep mornings relatively calm and fuss-free.

I have found that the key to fuss-free mornings is preparation....

1. Pack lunchboxes the night before

Lunchboxes are my WORST! I detest trying to come up with innovative ideas of what to pack my kids for lunch. With Master J being the fussiest eater on the planet, they generally get the same thing every day - sandwich (marmite...otherwise it doesn't get eaten), fruit, yogurt and some sort of protein like biltong or droĆ«wors. You can check our my Pinterest board here for some super cool lunchbox ideas, if you have the time or inclination to jazz up your kiddos school lunch.

Bentoboxes seem to be all the rage. In the hopes of getting a bit of inspiration I bought a Bentobox made by Sistema at Pick 'n Pay for Master J. I love all the different compartments and it's ideal for my little man who insists that all his food needs to be separate. I try to make their lunches while our supper is on the go and store them in the fridge over night so that in the morning I can just pop it in their school bags.

2. Invest in a coffee machine with a timer

The very last thing I do every night before bed is to fill up the coffee machine and set the timer so that my morning cuppa is ready and waiting for me as I walk into the kitchen. There is also no better way to wake up than to the smell of freshly brewed coffee. I don't think many moms could survive without a good, strong cuppa in the mornings.

3. Pack school bags and get clothes ready the night before

In South Africa we are fortunate that our kids need to wear a school uniform, which limits their options of what to wear. But it still is very handy to make sure that each item that is required for the next day is laid out and clean/ironed and ready to go. There is nothing worse that rushing about looking for that missing pair of school socks or having to haul our the ironing board 5 minutes before you need to leave so that it doesn't look like your kid got dressed out of the washing basket. 

Packing school bags the night before is also a must. It saves an enormous amount of time in the mornings and also ensures that your kids have all the books, sports equipment etc that they need for the day. And if you are as OCD as I can be at times, you could even pop those school bags in the boot of the car the night before (just don't forget the lunches in the morning). I have, on more than one occasion, opened the boot at school and realised that in our rush to get going, we have forgotten school bags at home.

4. Get up 15-30 minutes before the kids

I try to wake up and get dressed before my kids wake up. Granted, with my early risers it is not always possible. However, on the days that I do manage it, our mornings run much smoother as I have had the opportunity to start my day a little slower and I'm completely awake by the time the kids surface.

5. Before morning cartoons, the kids need to be completely dressed and ready to go

As I mentioned before, both my kids are early birds. Before, they would get up and watch morning cartoons and would get so engrossed that I would end up ranting at them to get dressed for school and nag and scream and shout. So to avoid the early morning fight and to start our day off on a better note, I implemented a rule that before they do anything else in the mornings (TV, Lego, Barbies etc), they needed to be dressed, faces washed and teeth and hair brushed. Only then are they allowed to watch TV or play.  I also then given them a 10 minute warning so that they can have a last play before we need to head out the door.

Well, those are my top tips for fuss-free mornings. Let me know in the comments below if you have any of your own.

Until next time,

Happy 2019!

It's been a while since I wrote a blog post. About 16 months. You might be wondering why. Honestly? happened. But this ...