Sunday 22 February 2015


Confession time! I struggle with weekends....

Traditionally, Friday nights are my "night off" from the kitchen. So we usually get a take away of some sort or a quick Woolies microwave meal. When i started my new lifestyle, i decided to keep this tradition and make Friday nights my cheat night. In hindsight, this was not a good idea at all. Friday became Saturday became Sunday and before i knew it i was having 3 cheat days instead of 1 cheat meal!

So, what are my weekend Sins? Fatty, fried foods....chocolates....fizzy drinks....everything that got me into this state in the first place. On Saturdays we usually go out for breakfast after Parkrun and i really struggle to say no to the bacon and eggs after a week of muesli and yogurt. On Sundays we often go to my in-laws for a delicious family lunch. My mom-in-law Is a super cook - how do i only have a little bit when it tastes so good? Not to mention dessert after Sunday lunch.

After yet another weekend of bad choices, i sat down to analyse why i am sabotaging myself? Why does it go so well during the week but the wheels fall off on the weekend?

For starters, i'm lazy when it comes to cooking. I'm the first to admit that i'm not a very good chef and i run out of ideas of how to make my food interesting. So, i will be looking for recipes that are quick and easy and make my healthy food more exciting.

I don't have a plan for the weekend. During the week we have quite a tight schedule. I can account for almost every minute of each week day...but come the weekend and all routine goes out the window. Sometimes we are home at meal times and other times we are out and about doing things (which are usually spur of the moment activities). To combat this "bad habit" i will try to plan my weekend meals in advance and even try to make my own ready-made freezer meals that are nutritious and delicious so that i am not tempted to go through the drive-thru.

If you have any tips on how to avoid the weekend binge, please share them in the comments below.

My resolution for this week is NOT to have a cheat meal on Friday and to prepare for the weekend during the week. As the old saying goes, "if you fail to plan, you plan to fail". So bring on the new week with all its challenges!

Until next time
XX - L

Happy 2019!

It's been a while since I wrote a blog post. About 16 months. You might be wondering why. Honestly? happened. But this ...