Saturday 5 January 2019

Happy 2019!

It's been a while since I wrote a blog post. About 16 months. You might be wondering why. Honestly? happened. But this evening, after spending an amazing day watching cricket at Newlands with my family and having too many coffees too late in the evening,so I am unusually awake for this time of night, I felt the urge to check in and share my goals (NOT RESOLUTIONS) for the year with you. After all, we are more likely to achieve the goals we set ourselves if we write them down. So here goes...

1. Limit my screen time
I am the first one to agree that I spend far too much time on social media and on my phone. I feel like a smoker who starts feeling for their cigarettes as they finish one if my phone is not nearby. So, when the latest iOS came out with a Screen Time Limits setting, I was thrilled. My excitement soon turned to horror when I saw how much time I actually spent on my phone! As of January 1st, I have set limits on my phone to shut down social media after I have used it for 2 hours in a day and it shuts down at 10pm and only allows phone calls from my "favourites" contact list. So far, so good! I have also made a point of leaving my phone on charge at night once I put the kids to bed with a double purpose - avoid screen time 2 hours before bedtime and also to make an effort to actually talk to my hubby, instead of us staring at our phones and blindly scrolling through our Facebook or Insta feeds. I also want to make a concerted effort to put my phone away when I am with my children.

2. Slowing down
Our world is usually one big rush from one activity to the next. This year I want to make an effort to slow down and have more time to rest and recharge - physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. This means saying no to play dates or parties or requests for my time without feeling guilty and saying yes to things that recharge or energise me. It means ensuring our weekends are not over scheduled so that we can spend a lazy Saturday afternoon together as a family to strengthen our bond or have a Sunday afternoon nap or catch up on laundry, if it means making our lives easier in the week ahead.

At the beginning of 2018 we found a church where our whole family felt happy. We felt like we had come home. However, there was always "something" that would come up which prevented us from attending in the latter part of the year. In 2019 I want to make an effort to enjoy fellowship at this church again and to become more involved in that community to serve others.

3. Spending time with family and friends
I love spending time with my friends and family and feel energised after spending time with them.  One way that I want to intentionally serve is by inviting friends and family over to our home more often. The past year I have felt so drained that each time my hubby suggested we invite people over, I have said no, and opted to rather sit on the couch and watch TV (and by "watch TV" I actually mean watch TV for 5 minutes before falling asleep on the couch). So in 2019, instead of spending time with the TV remote, I want to entertain those I love and hold close to my heart on a more regular basis...even if it means I need to clean up for an hour or two afterwards. I intend to make standing coffee dates with friends to ensure we physically meet up, not just "see" each other on facebook or chat via whatsapp. This year I want to strengthen bonds with both friends and family.

4. Having a better approach to my health
I know, I know...the good ol' cliche "New year, New Me". But in all honesty, in 2018 I neglected my health. I had all the right intentions but, as it normally goes with resolutions, they soon petered out after a couple of weeks. BUT in October I joined Weighless and really enjoyed their program and best of all is that I saw results without feeling deprived. I have lost the plot a bit these holidays though, but my intention is to get back on track as soon as the kids are back at school. I also want to start walking more regularly again. In an attempt to get this right, I have scheduled 3x one hour blocks in my diary per week. I know that in order for me to give of my best to my family, I need to look after myself...but putting it into practise is a bit harder than it seems. Therefore, in 2019 I am making my health a priority - eating whole, unprocessed foods, getting my walks in every week and getting enough good quality sleep (I suffer from bouts of insomnia, but that's a whole different blog post).

5. Reading
I love books. I might even go as far as saying I hoard books. Thankfully, I have a kindle which means a hoard digital books, as I am not sure where I would actually go with them if I physically had them. But the fact remains, I love buying books...but I very seldom get to read them. BC (before children), I used to read a lot. But in the last few years, I have maybe read one or two books a year. Therefore, my mission this year is to read more! I have also subscribed to Audible and really love it. In the latter part of 2018, I managed to listen to a few audio books while I was mom's taxi or playing the waiting game in the car.

6. Practise being thankful
I want to make a concerted effort this year to recognise and appreciate all my blessings. So often we take for granted things that others would long to have or experience.  I recently purchased a Gratitude Journal for Moms from Cum Books (Click here to view the book). It gives you weekly prompts to journal about the things you are grateful for, so if you are like me, you won't get stuck on the usual "roof over my head, food on my table...". It covers all aspects of a mother's life.

I also want to start a "grateful jar" for our family. Each week I would like us each to write down something we are grateful for or something good that has happened to us in that week to us and put it in the jar. So often we get stuck on just focusing on the negative and the bad. This will "force" us to see all the good in our lives. Then, on new years eve, I want to open the jar and be reminded about all the good things that have happened this year.

There you have it! My goals for 2019.

May 2019 be filled to the brim with love, laughter and friendship for you all and be your best year yet!

Until next time,

Happy 2019!

It's been a while since I wrote a blog post. About 16 months. You might be wondering why. Honestly? happened. But this ...