For those of you who have been following my journey to become healthier, here's a little update.
(Picture: Pinterest)
The last 2 weeks have been quite challenging. I have been down with croup, so I have not been able to exercise at all and I've been on two consecutive courses of antibiotics...which is not really ideal. There were some days that I felt so ill that I just couldn't bring myself to eat. But once I started feeling better, I was like The Very Hungry Caterpillar. On top of that, I had quite a few social outings, which challenged me to make healthier choices than what I normally would - sometimes successfully, sometimes not. So, it has not only been a physical battle, but also an emotional/mental battle.
On the positive side, I will finish my last round of antibiotics tomorrow and I am feeling so much better. With the long weekend that's coming up, I hope to get out a bit and get some steps clocked up.
This morning I had my bi-monthly visit with my wellness coach / dietitian / mentor / motivator / generally the most amazing person, Amanda Weber. Each visit consists of a weigh in, measurements, a look at my food diary and then setting goals for the next two weeks.
I wasn't really looking forward to seeing my progress this morning as I felt that I hadn't given it my best try, but I was pleasantly surprised. Over the last two weeks I have lost 1.4 kilos and 3cm around my waist.
So the numbers, as they stand today, after 4 weeks on my new lifestyle plan, are as follows:
Weight lost in kilos - 4.8 kilosCentimeters lost around my waist - 8cm
Next week our schools break up for the Winter holidays. So I really have to focus and stay on track.
My goals and plan of action of the following two weeks...
1. Drink my 8 glasses of Keep my food diary religiously.
3. Watch my salt intake
4. Walk at least 3 times a week for 30 min (when the weather allows)
5. Incorporate more beans into my diet to boost my protein intake.
(Picture: Pinterest)
Have a super long weekend!
Until next time,